Head of the Department
February 15, 2022 2024-07-27 10:10Head of the Department
Mechanical Engineering

Head of the Department

Mr. Yerubandi Venkata Ramana Murty
Mr. Yerubandi Venkata Ramana Murty has been with us for the last 21 years as Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is responsible for the following committees.
- Chairman – Board of Studies of Mechanical Engineering @ BVCE.
- Member of college Academic council.
- Member of college Academic committee.
- Member of Internal Quality Assurance cell.
- Chairman of Project Review committee.
He has prepared and handled courses for the Mechanical Engineering department, such as
UG Courses Handled (Theory):
MEMS, Robotics, Automation in Manufacturing, Metrology & Surface Engineering, Mechatronics, CAD/CAM, Metallurgy & Material Science, Advanced Materials, Production Technology, Metal cutting and Machine Tools, Production Planning & Control, Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Graphics.
UG Courses Handled (Laboratory): CAD/CAM Lab, Metrology Lab, Metallurgy Lab, Mechatronics Lab, Engineering Mechanics Lab, Computer Aided Engineering Drawing Practice Lab, Simulation Lab, Computer Aided Manufacturing Lab and Engineering Workshop Lab
PG Courses Handled (Theory): CAD, CNC Technologies, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Total Quality Management, Simulation of Mechanical Systems
PG Courses Handled (Laboratory): Advanced CAD Lab, Simulation of Manufacturing Systems Lab, Precision Engineering Lab.
List of Instructional Material Prepared: Prepared Material for UG courses: Computer Aided engineering Drawing Practice, Metallurgy & Material Science, Metrology and Surface Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, MEMS, Automation in Manufacturing and Production Planning and Control.
List of Monograms Prepared:
Prepared laboratory manuals for Metrology Lab, CAD/CAM Lab, Simulation Lab, CAM Lab and Engineering Work shop Lab.
Memberships in Professional Bodies:
- Life member in Institute of Engineers (India) M.I.E (M-136835-9) since August 2008.
- Life member in Indian society for Technical Education M.I.S.T.E (LM 58362) since October 2008.
Research Publications (Paper/Poster//book chapters etc)
Journal Publications:
- Published an article on “Comparative Study on Dry and Wet Wear Characteristics of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Composites Reinforced with Direct Precipitated Nano Zinc Oxide”, Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux Vol. 48, No. 1, February, 2024, pp. 63-72, https://doi.org/10.18280/acsm.480108
- Published an article on “Fabrication and Characterization of Ly556 Epoxy based Glass fiber and Natural Fiber Composite Materials, Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications”
2022,ISSN: 2094-0343-2326-9865
- Microstructural and mechanical behaviour of hybrid composite aluminium reinforced with cashew nut shell ash and B4c particulates, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 2022, ISSN: 2347-7180
- Optimization of Micro EDM Process parameters on Al7075/CNT Composite using grey relational Analysis, Dec 2021, ISSN: 0886-9367
- Optimization of Process parameters and selection of cutting tools for hard milling of Aluminium HE 15& HE 30, Nov2021, ISSN(online) 2456-0774
- ANOVA And Fuzzy Logic Approach For Optimization Of Surface Finishing And Material Removal Rate in Face Milling Of Al5083 Alloy – IJSTR August 2020 ISSN 2277-8616
- Fabrication of Equipment and Manufacturing of Plastic Blocks from waste plastic & Result Investigation Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), ISSN:2349-5162,2018,UGC Category-E
- Efficiency Improvement Emission Control and Energy Saving in NGCC Power Plant by using Solar Advanced Techniques, International Journal of Thermal Technologies,2017, E-ISSN 2277-4114, Google Scholar Category-E
- Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Refrigerator using LPG 362 as Refrigerant, National Conference on Recent Technologies in Engineering and Basic Sciences-2020 (NCRTEBS-2020), ISBN: 978-93-88196-48-6
- Optimization of Process Parameters for SS310 Machined on Wire EDM Using Taguchi Method, National Conference on Recent Technologies in Engineering and Basic Sciences-2020 (NCRTEBS-2020), ISBN: 978-93-88196-48-5
List of NPTEL Courses Certification done:
- Secured Gold Medal in “Operations Management” offered by IIT Roorkee between January and April2018.
- Stood Topper (5%) in “Introduction to Research” offered by IIT Madras between August and October 2018.
- Secured Elite in “Advanced Materials and Processes” offered by IIT Kharagpoor between July and October 2019.
- Secured Elite in “Soft Nano Technology” offered by IIT Kharagpoor between January and March2021.
- Secured Elite in “Material Science and Engineering” offered by IIT Roorkee between January and March2022.
- Secured Silver Medal in “Design Thinking” offered by IIT Madras between January and February 2023.
- Successfully completed the course on ”Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics” offered by IIT Madras between January and March2024.
National Conferences & Workshops Attended:
- Attended National Workshop on “Socially Relevant Technical Education-Exploring Cooperation Oriented Actions” between 6th & 7th December 2019 at NITTR, Chennai organized by IIIT Sri City & NITTR Chennai.
- Attended One day National workshop on “Advances in Mechanical Engineering” at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 11th March 2019.
- Attended One day National workshop on “Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Quality” at university college of Engineering, JNTUK, Kakinada on 8th December 2014.
- Attended Two day National workshop on “Advances in Manufacturing Processes” held on 28th February & 1st march,2014 at university college of Engineering, VijayaNagaram, JNTUK.
- Attended two day National workshop on “Computational Fluid Dynamics-Basics and Applications at B.V.C. Engineering College, Odalarevu on 15th & 16th of April 2008.
- Attended One day National workshop on “MECHATRONICS” at Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajahmundry on 15th
- Attended One day National Conference on “Recent Trends in CAD/CAM” at College of Engineering, J.N.T.U, Kakinada on 30th
STTPs Attended:
- Attended one week STTP on “ MECHATRONICS” at Institute of Engineers, Hyderabad (A.P State Chapter) between 16th June & 20th
Faculty Development programs Attended:
- Attended one-week Faculty development Program on “Smart Materials and Research Opportunities” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute Of Technology, Nambur, Guntur (Dt.), Andhra Pradesh, India from 27th to 31st May 2024
- Attended one-week Faculty development Program on “Functional Matrials for Engineering Applications” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru from 15th to 19th
- Successfully Completed Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Materials and Processes” organized by NPTEL-AICTE between July and October 2019.
- Attended one-week Faculty development Program on “Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Processes” at university college of Engineering, JNTUK, Kakinada between 29th October & 3rd November 2018.
- Attended Five day faculty development program “MISSION 10X” organized by Wipro Technologies Ltd., at B.V.C. Engineering College, Odalarevu between 4th January & 8th January 2010.
- Attended Three day faculty development program organized by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., at Madapur, Hyderabad in November 2005.
Invited Lectures (expert/Conference/etc)
Acted as Conference Judge for National Level Technical Students Symposium(Tech WINGS) organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering &Technology in 2013, Pennada- Bhimavaram Andhra Pradesh, India.
Previous Experience: Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad from May2005- November2006.
March1998-July1999: Worked as Quality Control Engineer at M/S Navabharat Ferro Alloys Ltd, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
August1992-February1998: Worked as Quality Control Engineer at M/S S.V. Engineers, BalaNagar, Hyderabad.