Courese Outcomes

Computer Science & Engineering

Courese Outcomes


1 Programming for problem Solving-I ALBC118.1Students are able to, Algorithm & flow chart and keywords, data type , sizes, variable names, declaration2   2         
C118.2Students are able to use Flow of Control and program Structure for decision making.2   2         
C118.3Students are able to demonstrate concept of arrays and strings3 3 2         
C118.4Students are able to apply built in functions and implementation of user defined functions3   2         
C118.5Students are able to use concept of Pointers ,Structures , Union and Files3   2         
2Mrs. P.SandhyaProbability and StatisticsC211.1student will be able to Use the knowledge of Probability and Statistics in various situations.32 1        3 
C211.2student will be able to Analyze the concepts, Random variables and Probability distributions. 321         2
C211.3student will be able to Understand sampling theory and estimation,Decide the test applicable for giving inference about Population Parameter based on Sample
 321        3 
C211.4student will be able to Measure Correlation between variables and obtain lines of regression 123         2
C211.5student will be able to Design quality control charts for quality checking12 3         2
3Mr.V.SwaminaiduUnified Modelling Language&Design PatternsC212.1To understand the knowledge of OOAD concepts and UML architecture.2     2     22
C212.2To determine the artifacts of Inception Phase and design requirements model using USE CASE
2   11      22
C212.3To determine the artifacts of Elaboration Phase and design domain model using Class diagrams2   11      22
C212.4To Analyze and develop Fabrication, Indirection, Singleton, Factory, Facade, Publish-Subscribe Design patterns 22 1       22
C212.5To practice advanced UML diagrams for modeling advanced features of a system. 22 1       22
4A.PriyankaAdvanced Data StructureC213.1Students are able to illustrate the need of basics on sets,dictionaries,hashing and skip list.322         22
C213.2Students are able to know the operations to construct AVL AND 2-3 trees.3-2           
C213.3Students are able to demonstrate the binary heap and binomial queue operations.322           
C213.4Students are able to apply the graph algorithms and minimum cost spanning trees.322           
C213.5Students are able to implement and analysing the order statistics of sorting techniques.322           
5Mr.M.V.K.SubashPython ProgrammingC214.1Students able to understand python programming concepts1             
C214.2Students able to understand basic operation data types1             
C214.3Students able to apply conditional looping and branching statements12            
C214.4Students are able to implement the type of data structures 2            
C214.5Students are able to understand functions and oops concepts 23           
6Mr.P.RajeshDigital Logic DesignC215.1An ability to define various types of number systems and their conversions12            
C215.2Simplify the Boolean expressions and apply the Boolean theorems through logical gates12            
C215.3Learn the Karnaugh map for a few variables and perform an algorithmicreduction of logic functions1234          
C215.4Design and implement variety of logical devices using combinational circuits concepts1             
C215.5Analyze sequential circuits like Registers and Counters using flip-flops.1 3           
7A.PriyankaAdvanced Data Structure LABC216.1Students will be able to implement dictionaries using hashing mechanisms.32-           
C216.2Students will be able to perform operations on balanced trees.323           
C216.3Students will be able to implement operations on graphs.323           
C216.4Students will be able to implement various graph algorithms.233           
C216.5Students will be able to implement various pattern matching algorithms.232           
8Mr.M.V.K.SubashPython & R Programming LABC217.1Students able to understand python programming concepts2             
C217.2Students able to understand basic operation data types2             
C217.3Students able to apply conditional looping and branching statements 2            
C217.4Students are able to implement the type of data structures 2            
C217.5Students are able to understand functions and oops concepts 23           
9Mr.V.SwaminaiduUnified Modelling Language&Design Patterns LABC218.1Students will be able to Problem Analysis and SRS- Customer Support System 23 3   3   2 
C218.2Construct Use case view and Design view for real time applications2 3 3   3   2 
C218.3Design implementation view and process view for real time application2 3 2   3   2 
C218.4Develop architectural view for real time applications2 3 3   3   2 
C218.5Design of Deployment View for real time applications223 2   3   2 
10Miss K.Lakshmi DeviEmployibility Skills(JAVA SCRIPT/JSON)C219.1Students will be able to list the basic data types in JavaScript.2 3 3   2   2 
C219.2Students will be able to describe the difference between let, const, and var.223 3   3   2 
C219.3Students will be able to analyze the flow of data in a JavaScript application.              
C219.4Students will be able to conduct and participate in peer code reviews, providing and incorporating feedback.              
C219.5Students will be able to debug a JavaScript program using browser developer tools.              
11Dr.B.S.N.MurthyComputer NetworksC311.1Identify basic computer network technology, types of network topologies and protocols         1   1
C311.2Analyze physical layer standards and its protocols 3       1   1
C311.3Demonstrate the techniques used in data link layer3        1   1
C311.4Analyze the routing strategies for an IP based networking infratsrucure and transport layer 3       1   1
C311.5Demonstrate the importance of application layer and the wireless web3        1   1
12Y.M.S.D.Sastry/P.RameshFormal Language And Automata TheoryC312.1Student will be Ability to design DFA and NFA222           
C312.2Student will be Ability to differentiate the regular expressions222           
C312.3Student will be Ability to organize regular expressions and convert into
different machines
C312.4Student will be Ability to design the pushdown automata222           
C312.5Student will be Ability to design the pushdown automata and understanding of P-complete,NP-
complete problems
13B.Ganga BhavaniData Base Management SystemsC313.1Students are able to Describe fundamental concepts a relational database22            
C313.2Students are able to Create, maintain and manipulate a relational database using SQL223           
C313.3Students are able to Apply Conceptual and Logical database design222         2 
C313.4Students are able to Apply normalization for database design223         2 
C313.5Students are able to Illustrate Storage management and Transaction management techniques.322         2 
14Mr.S.KhalishaComputer OrganizationC314.1Student Able to Apply the Principles and the Implementation of Computer Arithmetic2    2 2    2 
C314.2Student Able to Analyze Operation of CPUs including RTL, ALU, Instruction Cycle and Busses 3 2     2  2 
C314.3Student Able to Apply Fundamentals of different Instruction Set Architectures and their relationship to the CPU Design2    2 2    2 
C314.4Student Able to Analyze Memory System and I/O Organization 2 2     2  2 
C314.5Student Able to know the Principles of Operation of Multiprocessor Systems and Pipelining      2  22 2 
15Miss. N.Jeevan JyothiSoftware EngineeringC315.1Students are able to understand software engineering, process and software process models22            
C315.2Students are able to know the importance of agile process 2        2   
C315.3Students are able to identify minimum requirements & type of requirement 2            
C315.4Students are able to understand different software design.  2           
C315.5Students are able to understand software testing strategies & quaility of software process  2         2 
16Dr.B.S.N.MurthyComputer Networks LABC316.1Apply data link layer concepts, design issues, and protocols         1   1
C316.2Apply Network layer routing protocols and IP addressing 3       1   1
C316.3Implement the functions of Application layer and Presentation layer paradigms and Protocols3        1   1
17B.Ganga BhavaniDBMS LABC317.1Students are able to Create, maintain and manipulate a relational database using SQL22       2  2 
C317.2Students are able to Utilize SQL to execute queries for creating database and performing data manipulation operations22      2   2 
C317.3Students are able to Apply Queries using SQL222     2   2 
C317.4Students are able to Create PL/SQL programs including stored procedures, functions223     2   2 
C317.5Students are able to Create PL/SQL programs including cursors and triggers222     2   2 
18D.S.V.Prasad/B.N.RaoSkill Advanced Course:APP DevelopmentC319.1Student will be able to Understand Android OS, Gradle, Android Studio              
C319.2Student will be able to Understand activities like dialogue windows, linking activities              
C319.3Student will be able to develop UI based Mobile Application using Android Studio              
C319.4Student will be able to design and develop an application using Intents and Broadcast Receivers.              
C319.5Student will be able to Understand and Design the applications related to Maps              
19Mrs.B.SrilathaCryptography and Network SecurityC411.1students are able to Identify and classify computer and security threats and develop a security model to prevent, detect and recover from attacks32          2 
C411.2students are able to apply Encryption and analyze the various symmetric encryption algorithms and asymmetric algorithms.221         2 
C411.3students are able to Apply modern algebra and number theory to understanding of cryptographic algorithms and vulnerabilities.221         2 
C411.4Students are able to understand the Importance of hash function digital signatures ,authentication.221         2 
C411.5students are able to understand the transport level security22          2 
20Dr.B.P.N. Madhu KumarSoftaware Testing MethodologiesC412.1List a range of different software testing techniques and strategies and be able to apply specific(automated) unit testing method to the projects.322           
C412.2Distinguish characteristics of structural testing methods.3222          
C412.3Demonstrate the integration testing which aims to uncover interaction and compatibility problems as early as possible.2232          
C412.4Discuss about the functional and system testing methods332           
C412.5Demonstrate various issues for object oriented testing223222        
21Mr.S.Venu MadhavMobile ComputingC413.1Students are able to Understand the concept of mobile computing, GSM architecture323         1 
C413.2Students are able to illustrate the concept of medium access
control layer, various multiplexing techniques.
323         2 
C413.3Students are able to learn IP and Mobile network layers,
Handover, location management.
222 33  2   2 
C413.4Students will be able to apply data base issues and data
delivery models.
2:22 22  2   2 
C413.5Students will be able to understand concept of data
Dissemination and synchronization.
323 22  3   2 
22Miss. N.Jeevan JyothiNature Inspired Computing TechniquesC414.1Understand the use of modern optimization techniques. and Simulated Annealing to various engineering problems              
C414.2able Apply Genetic Algorithm and apply the algorithm
of Particle Swarm Optimization
 22         2 
C414.3Understand Firefly Algorithms,Cuckoo Search and
able to apply for various engineering problems
 22         2 
C414.4able to apply and analyze the Bat Algorithms uses for various engineering problems 22         2 
C414.5able to apply and analyze theFlower Pollination Algorithms uses for various engineering problems 22         2 
23Mr.P.RameshSecure Coding TechniquesC415.1Students are able to Understand the trend, reasons and impact of the
recent Cyber attacks
C415.2Students are able to Understand OWASP design principles while designing a
web application
C415.3Students are able to Understand Importance of security in all phases of SDLC222           
C415.4Students are able to Write secure coding using some of the practices in
C415.5Students are able to Write secure coding using some of the practices in
Python programming languages
24Miss.V.PrasannaManagement ScienceC416.1student will be able to Explain and infer the concepts and aspects of management2             
C416.2student will be able to Apply statistical quality & inventory control techniques to know, quality of product with in the control limits.32         2 2
C416.3student will be able to Use Human resource management techniques for better people management2          1 1
C416.4student will be able to Estimate Marketing and its applications.322       3322
C416.5student will be able to Apply the project management techniques to decide the optimum time and cost for the project completion,Analyzing Strategies which are suitable for the development of organization1             
25Mrs.P.KrupalinaEnglish For EmployiabilityC417.1Student will be able to recognize the way how body language functions in communicative and non communicative domains              
C417.2Student will be able to make use of effective delivery strategies to select compile and synthesize information for an oral presentations              
C417.3Student will be able to demonstrate in mock interviews ,mock discussion and public speaking              
C417.4Student will be able to identify communicative competency to respond to others in different situations              
C417.5Student will be able to develope the writing skills to meet the organizational objectives              
26P.Ramesh& V.G.BhavaniIndustrial/Resarch internship 2 months after III-I Evaluated During IV-IC418.1               
C418.4student will be able to Apply the project management techniques to decide the optimum time and cost for the project completion,Analyzing Strategies which are suitable for the development of organization              
(II SEM) (BR-20)
9Mr.V.V.SatyaNarayanaNumerical Methods And Complex VariablesC221.1students are able to use Numerical Methods in solving equations32 1          
C221.2students are able to calculation function value and its integration value by using different numerical methods321           
C221.3students are able to understand methods of finding numerical solutions of differential equations2322          
C221.4students are able to use the knowledge of gamma and beta functions in evaluating improper integral3212          
C221.5students are able to understand complex variables,find analytic function and evaluate definite integral of complex function using Cauchys theorem and residues332           
10Mr.B.Narasimha RaoJava ProgrammingC222.1Students are able to make use demonstrate basics of Object Oriented Programming1             
C222.2Students are able to explore the concept of object, class, and this keyword3   2         
C222.3Students are able to design the concepts of inheritance, exceptions, packages and interfaces  3           
C222.4Students are able to apply illustrate the concept of multithreading3   2         
C222.5Students are able to write the programs using AWT components3   2         
11Miss.K.SrideviManagerial Economics And Financial AnalysisC223.1student will be able to Assess various types of Business & Business Environment2             
C223.2student will be able to Define Managerial Economics and Measure demand of a particular product or services by applying various methods in given situations.2   2         
C223.3student will be able to Analyze the concepts of production, cost & break-even analysis.  2           
C223.4student will be able to Determine the price of a product or services in given market condition.3   2         
C223.5student will be able to Prepare accounting concepts and able to analyze financial systems and calculate the capital budgeting methods to manage theprojects3   2         
12Dr.B.S.N.MurthyOperating SystemC224.1Analyse various Operating system strategies and techniques.322           
C224.2Apply the different techniques in process management.322 2         
C224.3Demonstrate the different memory management strategies.  3           
C224.4Conduct practical experiments to implement the concept of Deadlocks.3   2         
C224.5Demonstrate the concept of file system.3   2         
13Mr.V.SwaminaiduMathematical Foundations of ComputerScienceC225.1Students are able to understand propositional calculus and predicate calculus32     2    2 
C225.2Students are able to understand and analyze types of sets, set operations, Relations and its operations and properties2 2  2      2 
C225.3Students are able to analyze Function types, composite functions, inverse functions , Lattice and its properties222         2 
C225.4Students are able to analyze Algebraic systems, properties, Monoid, Group, Semi Group, abelian group, homomorphism and isomorphism2 2 2       2 
C225.5Students are able to solve Recurrence relations both homogeneous and non-homogeneous2  2 2      2 
14Mr.B.Narasimha RaoJava Programming LABC226.1Students are able to make use demonstrate basics of Object Oriented Programming3             
C226.2Students are able to explore the concept of object, class, and this keyword2   2         
C226.3Students are able to design the concepts of inheritance, exceptions, packages and interfaces  3           
C226.4Students are able to apply illustrate the concept of multithreading3   2         
C226.5Students are able to write the programs using AWT components3   2         
15Mr.S.KhalishaOperating System LABC227.1Analyse various Operating system strategies and techniques.              
C227.2Apply the different techniques in process management.              
C227.3Demonstrate the different memory management strategies.              
C227.4Conduct practical experiments to implement the concept of Deadlocks.              
C227.5Demonstrate the concept of file system.              
16Mrs.B.SrilathaUNIX LABC228.1Able to run various UNIX commands on a standard UNIX/LINUX Operating system.1           1 
C228.2Able to run C / C++ programs on UNIX.3   2       1 
C228.3Able to do shell programming on UNIX OS.  3         1 
C228.4Design IPC and shell scripts in Unix.3   2       1 
C228.5Able to understand and handle UNIX system calls.3   2       1 
17Dr P DEVABALAN & Miss K.LakshmiMongo DatabaseC229.1Assimilate fundamental concepts in the context of a number of different NoSQL products3 1         2 
C229.2Construct refined logical database model with the consideration of data semantics and data dependency 3 2        2 
C229.3To implement installation and configurations of MongoDB setup also the execution of various basic operations and crude operations with MongoDB   3         1
C229.4To build yes system and demonstrate competence with the fundamental task involved with the modeling designing and implementation of mongo DB  3 2       2 
C229.5To demonstrate the use of MongoDB tools for developing and deploying in various kind of applications 3 32       2 
18Mr.P.RameshCompiler DesignC321.1students will be able to comprehend the fundamental principles of lexical analysis2            1
C321.2Students will adeptly apply context-free grammars, parse trees, top-down
parsing techniques, and error recovery strategies, in the compilation
 322         1
C321.3Students will possess the skills to differentiate LR and LL parsers.  33         1
C321.4students will be adept at applying syntax-directed definitions,
implementing L-attributed SDDs, and generating an intermediate code
  22         1
C321.5students will proficiently understand run-time environments, code
optimization techniques and code generation
3 1           
19Mrs.N.LakshmiData mining & Data warehousingC322.1Interpret the fundamentals of data mining and statistical analysis on multi dimensional data 321          
C322.2Design a Data warehouse system and perform business analysis with OLAP tools 322          
C322.3Construct frequent pattern and association rule mining techniques for data analysis22221     2 2 
C322.4Distinguish appropriate classification techniques for data analysis222222    2 22
C322.5Determine appropriate clustering techniques for data analysis222222    3 22
20Mr.K.N.V.B.P.RameshDesign And Analysis Of AlgorithmsC323.1Students are able to Explain the usage of asymptotic notations and calculate the time & space complexities for various types of algorithms and estimate the performance of algorithm33            
C323.2Student is able to describe the divide-and-conquer strategy and when an algorithmic design situation calls for it 32           
C323.3Student is able to explain about algorithms design using greedy method paradigm and recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. 23           
C323.4students are able to Apply designing method for development of algorithms to realistic problems such as dynamic programming strategy 23           
C323.5students are able to Implement to solve by using backtracking design strategy 22           
21Mrs.B.Ganga BhavaniMachine LearningC324.1Students will be able to understand and describe key elements in developing learning systems, including training data, concept representation, and function approximation.22            
C324.2Students will understand and apply measures such as entropy and information gain to select optimal splitting attributes for decision trees.21            
C324.3Students will be able to analyze sample complexity in the context of infinite hypothesis spaces.22            
C324.4Students will be capable of evaluating the performance of SVM models, considering factors such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. 2            
C324.5Students will be proficient in applying the Naive Bayes learning algorithm for classification tasks.1221          
22Miss.V.Ganga BhavaniMean Stack DevelopmentC325.1student will be able to numerate the Basic Concepts of Web & Markup Languages.22   2      2 
C325.2Students will be able to develop web Applications using Scripting Languages & Frameworks2 2 2       2 
C325.3Students will be able to make use of Express JS and Node JS frameworks22  2       2 
C325.4Students will be able to illustrate the uses of web services concepts like restful, react js2  2 2      2 
C325.5Students will be able to apply Deployment Techniques & Working with cloud platform222         2 
23Mr.P.RameshCompiler Design LABC326.1Student will be able to Understand Design simple lexical analyzers21           3
C326.2Student will be able to Understand Determine predictive parsing table for a CFG222 2       22
C326.3Student will be able to Understand develop Apply Lex and Yacc tools232 2       22
C326.4Student will be able to Understand Examine LR parser and generating SLR Parsing table222 2       22
C326.5Student will be able to Understand Relate Intermediate code generation for subset C
222 2       22
24Mrs.N.LakshmiData Mining Lab(Python Implementation)C327.1Student able to understand the features of WEKA toolkit such as Explorer, Knowledge Flow interface, Experimenter, command-line interface.21           3
C327.2Design a data mart or data warehouse for any organization222 2       22
C327.3Extract knowledge using data mining techniques and enlist various algorithms used in information analysis of Data Mining Techniques232 2       22
C327.4Demonstrate the working of algorithms for data mining tasks such as association rule mining, classification for realistic data222 2       22
C327.5Implement and Analyze on knowledge flow application on data sets and Apply the suitable visualization techniques to output analytical results222 2       22
25A.PriyankaWeb Technology LABC328.1students will be able to apply the role of languages like HTML,CSS,XML.              
C328.2Students will be able to develop web and web applications using JavaScript ,PHP and protocols              
C328.3Students will be able to apply web application terminologies,internet tools,E-Commerce and other web services.              
C328.4Students will be able to develop dynamic web applications using PHP and MySql,              
C328.5Students will be able to use Frameworks. to implement servlets              
26Mr.T.V.L.Srinivas RaoSkill Advanced Course:GAME DevelopmentC329.1student will be able to understand the fundemental concepts ad principles of game design including mechanics, dynamics and aestheeties22           2
C329.2student will be able to understand the concepts of programming languages commonly used in game development such as C++, C#, JAVA, python and interaction with gaming components22           2
C329.3students will be to use gaming design concepts for rendering and different scenes of gaming to get AI product222 2        2
C329.4students should become familiar with industry standard tools and engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine or GameMaker Studio they will be able to develop game structure wit levels and work with222 2        2
C329.5students will be able to able to create purpose for multiple games by utilizing standard tools and software222 2        2
27Mrs. B.SrilathaMajor Project WorkC421.1               