Electronics & Communication Engineering


Professor Dr. Pravin Akula has been with us for the last 21 years with the Department of E&C Engineering at the university. He has been instrumental in preparing and handling various courses for the department, such as:

  • Electronic Devices and Circuits.
  • Electronic Circuit Analysis.
  • VLSI Design.
  • Control Systems.
  • Signals and Systems.
  • Analog communications.
  • Digital communications.
  • Digital IC Applications.
  • Switching Theory and Logic Design.
  • Linear IC Applications.


  • Registered for Patent (IPR) and same is published in govt. Patent Journal in Sept. – 2019.
  • Published a book on “Space time block codes for Wireless applications” with LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
  • Acting as Chairman BOS for Department of ECE from 2018 to till date.
  • Working as Head of the department from June-2014 to till date.
  • Organized national Conference NCRTEBS-2020 as a Convener.
  • Organized national Conference NCACTA-2K18 as a Co-Convener.
  • Organized national Seminar NSETWC-2K16 as a Convener under DST-SERB grant of 125000/-.
  • Acted as paper setter for several Autonomous Engineering Colleges.
  • Organized national Conference NCETEC-2K11 as an Organizing Secretary.
  • Acted as a co-ordinator for RESONANCE- from 2K8 to 2K14.
  • Acted as a Convener for RESONANCE- from 2K15 to 2K19.
  • Guided more than 40 U.G & 15 P.G student projects.
  • Worked as Officer In charge of Examinations from June- 2008 to Dec-2014.
  • Ratified as an Assistant professor by JNTU Hyderabad in the year 2002.
  • Secured GATE score of 86.48 with all India rank of 2598.
  • Acted as judge for different national level student technical Symposia.

Patents Filed

Title: A Personalized Health Care Monitoring for Diabetic Patient By GIS
Application Number: 201941035692

Books Published
Title: Space time block codes for Wireless applications
Publisher: LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Year: Feb 2016

International Conference:

  1. “FPGA Implementation of Universal Modulator using CORDIC Algorithm”, International Conference on Nano Science, Engineering & Advanced Computing(ICNEAC-2011), held on 8th & 9th July ,2011
  2. “Design of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation System for Wireless Applications”   International Conference on Advances in Computer science, communication & Bio- Instrumentation Engineering (ICACCBIE-2011), December 2011.
  3. ”FPGA Implementation of Laser Guided Nose Bullet ”. International Conference on Advances in Computer science, communication & Bio - Instrumentation Engineering (ICACCBIE-2011), December 2011.
  4. “Design and implementation of IoT based hydroponics using raspberry-pi” International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Information Technology (ICRIEIT-2021) on 26th July & 27th July 2021 at St. Martin's Engineering College, Hyderabad.

National Conference:

1.” FPGA Implementation of Universal Modulator using CORDIC Algorithm” National Conference on Signal Processing & embedded Systems Applications (COSMOS -2011)  July-2011.

2. “FPGA Implementation of Space time Block Codes for Wi-MAX Applications” National Conference on Signal Processing & embedded Systems Applications( COSMOS 2011),July- 2011.

3.” Simulation of Quadrature amplitude modulation system using VHDL”, National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Electronics and Communication (NCETEC-2k11),pg no. 45-49, December 2011.

4.“Design of DSSS Correlator for Secure Wireless Communications”, National Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and applications (NCSCTA-11), October-2011.

5.” Implementation of Wireless Communication System by using VHDL Modelling”, National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Electronics and Communication (NCETEC-2k11), pg no. 217-223, December 2011.

6 “Implementation of Wireless Transmitter using VHDL Modelling”. National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Electronics and Communication (NCETEC-2k11), December 2011.

7 “Implementation of ALU using reversible logic six Transistor adder for low power applications”. National Conference on Knowledge Based Inventive Telecommunication Systems (NCKITS-2017), held during 16th-18th March -2017, KKR & KSR Institute Of Technology & Sciences, Guntur.

8 “The Design and Implementation of GPS Controlled Environment Monitoring Robotic System based on IoT and ARM”. National Conference on Recent Technologies in Engineering and Basic Sciences-2020 (NCRTEBS-2020), BVC Engineering College, Odalarevu.

Journals Publications
International Paper

  1. “Design and Analysis of Optimized metamaterial Microstrip Antenna”, Juni Khyat, Vol.-11 Issue-01 2021, ISSN: 2278-4632.
  2. ”Analysis for VLSI Based Multipliers for High Speed Low Power Design Strategies”, International Journal of Control and Automation. Vol. 13.2020. 2005-4297.
  3. ” Design and Implementation of Multifunctional Agriculture Robot using IOT”, Mukt Shabd Journal, IX/Dec2020, 2347-3150.
  4. “Finfet Based 45-nm Sram Architecture” The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Vol.XII/ May2020 , 0886-9367
  5. “Performance Access of Various Ann Layers in Cognitive Radio Network” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(IJITEE) , Vol.8/Sept 2019,2278-3075
  6. “Typical Analysis of Various Nodes Involved inEMA for Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),2019, 2249-8958.
  7. “A Novel Multi-Exposure Image Fusion: A Structural Patch Decomposition Approach” International Journal of Innovative Technologies (IJITECH),2018, 2321-8665.
  8. “Women Protection and Security System Using Raspberry PI”, International Journal for Innovative Engineering And Management Research (IJIEMR), 2018, 2456-5083.
  9. “IOT Based Voice Controlled Home Automation Using Node MCU”, International Journal For Innovative Engineering And Management Research (IJIEMR), 2018, 2456-5083
  10. “Surveillance Of Coal Mines Using Raspberry-PI” International Journal For Innovative Engineering And Management Research (IJIEMR), 2018, 2456-5083
  11. “Simple Model Of Speech Communication And Its Application To Intelligibility Enhancement” International Journal of Research (IJR),2017, 2348-6848
  12. “Design Evaluation Of Ann Classifier Layers In Cognitive Radio Network”, International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research (IJCESR)VOLUME-4, ISSUE-1, 2017, ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697,
  13. Model of speech communication and its applications to Intelligibility Enhancement, International Journal of Research (IJR),vol.4,issue 17 December 2017.
  14. “IOT based Flood Monitoring System sing LPC 2148”, International Journal of Innovative Technologies(IJITECH), May-2017, 2321-8665
  15. IVRS Based Intelligent Train Position System, International Journal Engineering Science and computing(IJESC), Volume 6, Issue 12, Dec-2016.
  16. Design and Implementation of CMOS ALU using Reversible Logic, International Journal Engineering Science and computing(IJESC), Volume 6, Issue 12, Dec-2016.
  17. Design of power efficient 6 transistor CMOS full-Adder, International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, Vol6,Issue12, Dec2016.
  18. Real-Time WIFI Communication Between an LINUX Based Embedded System and an Android Phone, International Journal & magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research, Vol 3, issue 5, May 2016.
  19. A Real-Time Finger-Vein Based High Security Biometric Authentication System for Mobile Devices, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, Vol 4, Issue 52, Dec2015.
  20. “Power optimized and reconfigurable BIP for high throughput applications” International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research ,IJSETR, Vol. 3, Issue 45 December 2014.
  21. “Wireless Thermoelectric Flow Sensor Using ARM”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), Jan 2014, 2277 – 9043
  22. Performance Analysis of Wavelet Packet Based SPHITAlgorithm, Int.l Journal of science Engineering and Advance Technology (IJSEAT), Vol.2, Issue 2, Feb 2014.
  23. Effective Data Hiding Method Through Pixel Pair Matching, International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, IJSEAT, Vol 2, Issue 11, Nov 2014.
  24. Design of an efficient bit rate serial-serial multipliers based on asynchronous counters accumulation, International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research ISSN (Online), Vol 2, Issue 3 Nov 14.
  25. Monitoring the Paddy Crop Field using Zigbee Network”. IJCER, Volume 1, Issue No. 4, December – 2012.
  26. ” Design and Implementation of PC Operated Flying Robot for Rescue Operation in Coalmines”. IJSERT, Volume 2, Issue No. 1, January – 2013
  27. “ARM9 Based Real Time Embedded Network Video Capture and SMS Alerting System”.IJRCCT, Volume 1, Issue No. 7, December – 2012.

National Papers

  1. A Study Of Various Modulation Techniques In Cognitive Radio Network”, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, JASC, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-June/2015, ISSN NO: 1076-5131
  2. A Novel Basic Methodology to Combat Unbearable power cut problem part of Indian subcontinent via tapping of most promises of solar energy and Super Capacitor. National Journal Of Information, Knowledge And Research In Electronic and communication, Vol 2, issue 12,December-2013.

Workshops/Seminars Attended

  1. National Workshop on Advances in Signal and Image Processing (ASIP-2006),held on 27th & 28th February- 2006, JNTUCE, Kakinada.
  2. Workshop on Advanced VLSI Design & Embedded Systems (WAVES-2006), held on 2nd to 4th September-2006, ANITS, Visakapatnam.
  3. Two-day Workshop on electromagnetic and Applications, WEMA-2K8, held on 8th & 9th March- 2008, BVCEC, Odalarevu.
  4. Workshop on “VLSI Design Software”(VLSI DS-2008), held on27th & 28th September-2008, JNTUCE, Kakinada
  5. Training Programme on VLSI Design Software (VLSI DS-2009),20th -24th March-2009, JNTUK, Kakinada.
  6. Workshop on Image Processing & Matlab on 1st December,2009 at BVC Engineering College, Odalarevu.
  7. Two-day national Level Workshop On “Embedded Real-Time Operating Systems”, WERTS-2011, 22nd & 23rd January 2011, BVCEC, Odalarevu
  8. National Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Applications (NCSCTA-11) held on 8th-9th October, 2011 at BVC Engineering College, Odalarevu.
  9. Two-day Workshop on Network Security & Ethical Hacking, LOOPHOLE+, held on 28th & 29th, December, 2012, at BVCEC, Odalarevu.
  10. Workshop on Healthy Research practices in Basics and advanced Investigations, held on 15th March-2013, B V C Engineering College, Odalarevu.
  11. Workshop on Analog Electronics held during 4th-14th June 2013 at RIT Yanam in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur,
  12. Workshop on Research Methodologies, held during 6th -9th July 2013, at K L University, Vijayawada.
  13. National workshop on Recent Advancements in VLSI Technology and Design Using EDA Tools (VLSITP-2016), held during 20th-24th July 2016, at JNTUK, Kakinada.
  14. Attended for” National Seminal on Emerging Trends in Wireless Communications NSETWC-2K16, at B V C Engineering College, Odalarevu.


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