Board of Studies Electronics & Communication Engineering [rank_math_breadcrumb] About ECE Department Vision and Mission Board of Studies Head of Department Faculty PEO, PO, PSO’s Syllabus Academics Curriculum Academic Calendars Student Projects Teaching & Learning Process Students Research & Development Professional Societies & Activities PAQIC OBE Newsletters NBA E-SAR Magazines Infrastructure Industry Institution Interaction Gallery Feedbacks Faculty Achivements Board of Studies Constitution of Board of Studies (BOS) of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department 2020-21 S.No.RECOMMENDED COMPOSITIONDETAILS OF PERSON (S) IDENTIFIED1Head of the Department Concerned (Chairman)Name : Dr. AKULA PRAVINMail : hodece.bvce@bvcgroup.inMobile No. : 91775479992The entire faculty of each specializationAll faculty members of the Department 3Two experts in the subject from outside the College to be nominated by the Academic Council1) Name : Dr. NARASIMHA SARMA N.V.S Designation: DirectorOrganization: IIIT, Tiruchirappalli Mail : 2) Name : Dr. M. RAMA SUBBA REDDYDesignation: Professor, Dept.of Applied MechanicsOrganization: IIT, Chennai. Mail : 4One expert to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the College PrincipalName : Dr. B T KRISHNA .Designation: Professor & Head, Dept. of ECEOrganization: University College of Engineering Kakinada (UCEK)- JNTUKMail : expert from Industry/Corporate Sector/allied area relating to placementName : Mr. S. BHAVANI SHANKARDesignation: Executive Manager Organization: Efftronics Systems Pvt. Ltd., Vijayawada.Mail : sbshankar@efftronics.com6One Post Graduate Meritorious Aluminous to be nominated by the PrincipalName : Dr. B.V.V.SATYANARAYANADesignation: Asst. Prof, Dept. of ECE Organization: VITB, BhimavaramMail :