AIML HOD CSE – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Home / Departments / CSE – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning / AIML HOD About AIML Department Vision and Mission HEAD OF DEPARTMENT PEO,PO,PSO’s Syllabus Courese Outcomes DAC PAQIC Students Admissions Success rate Academic Performance Academic toppers Certifications Student Projects Student Awards Internships Annual Technical / Magazines Workshops Faculty Achievements Faculty development programs Conferences Infrastructure Feed Back Feedback on curriculum Feedback on Facilities Alumni Feedback Employer Feedback Exit Feedback Parent Feedback Department Associations Department Placements Industrial Visits Gallery Research & Development Research Publications Research Projects Patents Consultancy Funded FDP/Seminars/workshops/conferences CSE-AIML HOD Dr.Meera sharif Worked as Assistant Professor from 05/06/2005 to 31/03/2010 in the department of Information Technology, BVC Engineering College, Odalarevu.Worked as a Associate Professor from 01/04/2010 to 30/09/2021 in the department of Computer Science Engineering, BVC Engineering College, Odalarevu.Currently working as Professor and Head of The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BVCEC, Odalarevu.He is responsible for the following committees:Chairman BOS CSENAAC Criterion CoordinatorNBA Department Coordinator.System Administrator.Courses handled/List of Instructional materials preparedList of Courses Handled:1. Discrete Structures and Graph Theory2. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science3. Operating Systems and System Programming4. Principles of Programming Languages5. Computer Graphics6. Advanced Computer Architecture7. Operating Systems8. Neural Networks9. Data warehousing and Data Mining10. Information Retrieval Systems11. Automata and Compiler Design12. UNIX Programming13. Biometrics14. Object Oriented Programming Through Java15. C Programming16. Network Programming17. Java programming18. Cryptography and Network Security19. Mobile computing20. Distributed Systems21. Design and Analysis of Algorithms22. Internet of Things.23. Information SecurityProfessional MembershipsLMISTECSIResearch Contributions:Papers Published: 10Patents Published: 03Book Chapters: 02Conferences Organized : 02Workshop Organized : 05