CSE – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning


Dr.Meera sharif


  1. Worked as Assistant Professor from 05/06/2005 to 31/03/2010  in the department of Information Technology, BVC Engineering College, Odalarevu.
  2. Worked as a Associate Professor from 01/04/2010 to 30/09/2021 in the department of Computer Science Engineering, BVC Engineering College, Odalarevu.
  3. Currently working as Professor and Head of The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BVCEC, Odalarevu.

He is responsible for the following committees:

  1. Chairman BOS CSE
  2. NAAC Criterion Coordinator
  3. NBA Department Coordinator.
  4. System Administrator.

Courses handled/List of Instructional materials prepared

List of Courses Handled:

1. Discrete Structures and Graph Theory

2. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science

3. Operating Systems and System Programming

4. Principles of Programming Languages

5. Computer Graphics

6. Advanced Computer Architecture

7. Operating Systems

8. Neural Networks

9. Data warehousing and Data Mining

10. Information Retrieval Systems

11. Automata and Compiler Design

12. UNIX Programming

13. Biometrics

14. Object Oriented Programming Through Java

15. C Programming

16. Network Programming

17. Java programming

18. Cryptography and Network Security

19. Mobile computing

20. Distributed Systems

21. Design and Analysis of Algorithms

22. Internet of Things.

23. Information Security

Professional Memberships


Research Contributions:

Papers Published: 10

Patents Published: 03

Book Chapters: 02

Conferences Organized : 02

Workshop Organized :  05