CSE ADMISSIONS Computer Science & Engineering Home / Departments / Computer Science & Engineering / CSE ADMISSIONS About Cse Department Vision and Mission PEO,PO,PSO’s OBE BR-23 Regulations DAC PAQIC Head of Department Faculty Students Student Awards Admissions Success rate Academic Performance Certifications Academic Toppers Student Projects Internship Student Awards Syllabus Department Activities Board of Studies Courese Outcomes Annual Technical / Magazines Workshops Faculty Achievements Faculty development programs Conferences Infrastructure Feed Back Feedback on curriculum Feedback on Facilities Alumni Feedback Employer Feedback Exit Feedback Parent Feedback Department Associations Department Placements Industrial Visits Gallery Research & Development Research Publications Research Projects Patents Consultancy Funded FDP/Seminars/workshops/conferences Professional Societies & Activities Newsletters NBA E-SAR Admissions STUDENTS ENROLLED CAY 2022-2023 CAYM1 2021-2022 CAYM2 2020-2021 Sanctioned intake of the program (N) 120 120 120 Total number of students admitted in first year minus number of students migrated to other programs/institutions plus no. of students migrated to this program (N1) 120 120 120 Enrollment Percentage 100% 100% 100% Average Percentage 100% 2022-2023 AdmissionsBRANCHCONVENORCAT_BSPOT_ASPOT_BTOTALCSE952700122