Electrical & Electronics Engineering



Head of Department


M.Tech, P.hD

Professor Dr. S. SRIKANTH has been with us for the last 22 years as a Professor and Head of the Department of the EEE Department in the university.

He has prepared and handled courses for the EEE department, such as

  1. Electrical Circuits
  2. Power electronics
  3. Power systems (Generation and Transmission)
  4. Power systems operation and control
  5. Power system Analysis
  6. Control Systems
  7. Digital logic desigin
  8. High voltage Engineering

He is a professional member of ISTE and IAENG, and his research publications include:

  1. A Dhanamjaya Apparao and Mr. S. Srikanth “Power Flow Control in HVDC-Link using  Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)” in the proceedings of International Journal on Advanced Scientific and Technical Research (IJAST), August, 2012, Vol. 4, Issue 2 -3.94
  2. Srikanth , A.ramanjaneyulu  “AN OPTIMAL LOCATION OF SVC IN POWER MARKET” International Journal of Engineering Research& Technology (IJERT).Vol.1,no.1,july2012 -2.145
  3. Lakshmana Rao , S.Srikanth “A Comparative Analysis of PI & Fuzzy PFC Cuk Converter  Based PMBLDCM Drive for Air-Conditioner Application” IJEAR Vol. 4, Issue Spl-1, Jan – 2014-0.678
  4. P S V SUBRAHMANYAM, S.SRIKANTH “ Power quality improvement in a PV distribution system by using D-STATCOM” International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) Vol. 5 No.12 Dec 2013-4.116
  5. VANDANA, S. SRIKANTH “Analysis of PFC using Canonical Switching for BLDC Drive with PI and Fuzzy Controls” International Journal of Scientific Engineering Technology Research (IJSETR) Vol.04,Issue.56, December-2015-5.49
  6. Srikanth, K.R.Sudha, and Y. Butchi Raju, “Load Frequency Control in Deregulated Power System using Fuzzy C-Means” International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 74– No.11, July 2013,pp 34-41-3.1524
  7. Srikanth, K.R.Sudha and Y. Butchi Raju, “ Fuzzy C-Means Load Frequency Controller in Deregulated Power Environment” International Journal of Fuzzy Computational modeling (IJFCM), vol.2,no.1,2016 Inderscience Publishers
  8. Srikanth, K.R.Sudha and Y. Butchi Raju, “Fuzzy Load Frequency Controller in Deregulated Power Environment by Principal Component Analysis” International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems (IJFLS), Vol.6, No.1, January, 2016
  9. Srikanth, K.R.Sudha, and Y. Butchi Raju, “Modeling and control of Two area deregulated environment using Fuzzy Controller” in CONCON-2012, May 2012, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
  10. Srikanth, K.R.Sudha, and Y. Butchi Raju, “Application of Fuzzy C-Means to Load Frequency Control Problem in Deregulated Power System” in IEEE workshop on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions, IIT Kanpur, India, pp.36-41, July 2013.

Conferences /FDP attended /Organized /resource person:

  1. Modelling and control of Two area deregulated environment using Fuzzy Controller
  2. Application of Fuzzy C-Means to Load Frequency Control Problem in Deregulated Power System
  3. Fuzzy Systems And Neural Networks In Power System Optimization in electrical engineering 6-8 Feb2017

List of NPTEL courses certification done

  1. Did 12 week NPTEL course titled on “Power Systems Engineering
  2. Completed 8 week NPTEL course titled on “Enhancing soft skills & Personality”