February 15, 2022 2024-11-26 9:32EEE HOD
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Head of Department
M.Tech, P.hD
Professor Dr. S. SRIKANTH has been with us for the last 22 years as a Professor and Head of the Department of the EEE Department in the university.
He has prepared and handled courses for the EEE department, such as
- Electrical Circuits
- Power electronics
- Power systems (Generation and Transmission)
- Power systems operation and control
- Power system Analysis
- Control Systems
- Digital logic desigin
- High voltage Engineering
He is a professional member of ISTE and IAENG, and his research publications include:
- A Dhanamjaya Apparao and Mr. S. Srikanth “Power Flow Control in HVDC-Link using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)” in the proceedings of International Journal on Advanced Scientific and Technical Research (IJAST), August, 2012, Vol. 4, Issue 2 -3.94
- Srikanth , A.ramanjaneyulu “AN OPTIMAL LOCATION OF SVC IN POWER MARKET” International Journal of Engineering Research& Technology (IJERT).Vol.1,no.1,july2012 -2.145
- Lakshmana Rao , S.Srikanth “A Comparative Analysis of PI & Fuzzy PFC Cuk Converter Based PMBLDCM Drive for Air-Conditioner Application” IJEAR Vol. 4, Issue Spl-1, Jan – 2014-0.678
- P S V SUBRAHMANYAM, S.SRIKANTH “ Power quality improvement in a PV distribution system by using D-STATCOM” International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) Vol. 5 No.12 Dec 2013-4.116
- VANDANA, S. SRIKANTH “Analysis of PFC using Canonical Switching for BLDC Drive with PI and Fuzzy Controls” International Journal of Scientific Engineering Technology Research (IJSETR) Vol.04,Issue.56, December-2015-5.49
- Srikanth, K.R.Sudha, and Y. Butchi Raju, “Load Frequency Control in Deregulated Power System using Fuzzy C-Means” International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 74– No.11, July 2013,pp 34-41-3.1524
- Srikanth, K.R.Sudha and Y. Butchi Raju, “ Fuzzy C-Means Load Frequency Controller in Deregulated Power Environment” International Journal of Fuzzy Computational modeling (IJFCM), vol.2,no.1,2016 Inderscience Publishers
- Srikanth, K.R.Sudha and Y. Butchi Raju, “Fuzzy Load Frequency Controller in Deregulated Power Environment by Principal Component Analysis” International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems (IJFLS), Vol.6, No.1, January, 2016
- Srikanth, K.R.Sudha, and Y. Butchi Raju, “Modeling and control of Two area deregulated environment using Fuzzy Controller” in CONCON-2012, May 2012, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
- Srikanth, K.R.Sudha, and Y. Butchi Raju, “Application of Fuzzy C-Means to Load Frequency Control Problem in Deregulated Power System” in IEEE workshop on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions, IIT Kanpur, India, pp.36-41, July 2013.
Conferences /FDP attended /Organized /resource person:
- Modelling and control of Two area deregulated environment using Fuzzy Controller
- Application of Fuzzy C-Means to Load Frequency Control Problem in Deregulated Power System
- Fuzzy Systems And Neural Networks In Power System Optimization in electrical engineering 6-8 Feb2017
List of NPTEL courses certification done
- Did 12 week NPTEL course titled on “Power Systems Engineering
- Completed 8 week NPTEL course titled on “Enhancing soft skills & Personality”